Friday, April 27, 2012

But wait, there's more!

 An amazing study from Japan includes one DC, PhD and 6 MD, PhDs among the authors. Their findings document that a single Activator spinal manipulation applied to the cervical spine in men with neck pain and shoulder stiffness results in significant changes in glucose utilization in various regions of the brain involved with autonomic nervous system regulation.

The results open the door for other sophisticated studies to investigate what may be profound benefits of spinal manipulation on the central nervous system. The findings in this study indicate that post-CSM changes in brain glucose utilization are consistent with muscle relaxation, improved sense of well-being, decrease serum amylase, and a reduction in sympathetic relaxation.

These dramatic changes are the result of a single Activator adjustment. What are effects of a series of adjustments over a period or days, weeks, or months? What are the effects of full spine adjustments rather than a single CSM? Stay tuned. In the near future we should see more studies of this variety soon to be published.

Blood Flow To Your Brain

Blood flow to the brain is significantly decreased in people with moderate to high scores on the neck disability index (a questionnaire we use in our office). Once again, as in many recent studies evaluating the impact of pain on the brain, these findings demonstrate that muscloskeletal problems of the spine result in profound changes in central nervous system function. This is important only if you'd like to have normal blood flow to your brain (and therefore normal nutrients and oxygen levels)!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

What I've Learned From My Patients, #1

When It's Time, It's Time. And not a moment sooner. When is it time to make a more healthful lifestyle choice (exercise, lose weight, make better dietary choices)? When it comes from within. When the pain of change is less than the pain of current circumstances. When the illusion that the current state of health is "normal" somehow dissipates. When the vision of what the current rate of decline will look like in 30 years hits home. When the reasons for health take front and center (play with your grandchild, continue to be able to support your family, play golf, hike in the mountains, etc., etc., etc.). When you realize that in order to take care of others, you must take care of yourself (you're worth it!).