Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Like A Wave

How we remember to take care of ourselves, then forget for awhile, then get a wake up call, and get back to doing what we know we need to do for optimum health and happiness. Take my core stabilization exercises, for example.

My goal: to do them every day. My reality: not even close! A snow holiday and a Thanksgiving weekend and come Monday morning I notice it's been a week since I last did them! So what do I do? I may gnash my teeth, scold myself, despair at my inconsistency, or -- miracle of miracles -- just take the ten minutes and DO them. Because after a week, I'm not feeling as perky and lively as I like to feel, and that's enough to remember and to take action.

Dr. Donald Epstein (founder of Network Chiropractic) talks about learning to listen to subtler cues, from our environment and from within our bodies. When we do that, we generally can minimize unnecessary suffering! We don't need the whack of a two-by-four to get our attention! We can respond to a gentle nudge, and be grateful for the nudge.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Spa Healing Day Fundraiser

You are invited to experience nourishing relaxation and fun at the Spa Healing Day Fundraiser for Barbara Coon's medical care. Experience The Ultimate Spa Day:
Saturday October 16th
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Home and home office of Dr. Connie Amundson
3511 NE 105th Street, Seattle, WA 98125

All donations go towards the $12,000 goal for Barbara to receive CCSVI medical care in San Diego, helping restore function for people living with MS.

Come experience your favorite healing work & try something new for a great price. Healthy gluten-free food too!

This event registration does everything except book the time of your chiropractic, massage, craniosacral, tuning fork facial, and TaKeTiNa class. We will book your spa services in advance or you can drop in for "Ala Carte" services.

Preview the Gift Certificate Collection to donate online or in the Silent Auction.

Click on Get More Information to preview the healing spa services. When you go to Register Now you can select your choices for your custom Ultimate Spa Day.
Get more information
Register Now!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Masks & Faces

A beautiful exploration of Traditional Five Element Acupuncture-
Using photos and art of human faces, Professor Dirk Hein will provide insight into our emotional expression and deepen our understanding of human nature.

Saturday, October 16, 7:00-8:30 pm (free if preregistered) at the Wu Hsing Tao School, Talaris World Campus, 4000 NE 41st St., Bldg. D, Seattle, WA 98105.

Additional information and registration: 5 element acupuncture Meetup group page.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Be Toxin-Free

Watch this clip, from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, then check your labels. Unless it says toxin-free, it's probably not! I recommend XanGo's Glimpse and Juno line of personal care products because they are not only toxin-free, but they are formulated to provide healing nutrition to the largest organ in your body, your skin, for increased luminosity, elasticity, and firmness. And XanGo is the first company to be accepted by the NPA (Natural Products Associaiton) and has signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Open House

Most of our practice members want to share their healing success with friends and loved ones, but aren't quite sure how to spread the word, so twice a year we offer complementary Network entrainments. The next one is coming soon, with light refreshments for all...

Saturday, August 28, 10:00 am (till we're done!)
Call 206-658-7658 to let us know how many guests you expect to bring.

Bone Mineral Density Test

Loss of bone density can begin at a surprisingly young age, especially among thin, fair women who have avoided exposure to the sun. People like actress Gwyneth Paltrow, whose story was recently in the news, where it was reported that she has already been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Her doctor was quoted as saying that she had the lowest levels of Vitamin D he had ever seen.

As part of our festivities on August 28 (8 am - 1 pm), Body Fat Test is also offering a Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Screening, which will evaluate your risk of fracture from thinning bones. Then find out about natural methods of maintaining and/or improving your bone density.

Sign up for either the BMD or the Hydrostatic testing (or both, for a discount) by calling 206-658-7658.

Get Tanked!

What's seen on "The Biggest Loser" and used by NASA, the NFL, NCAA, and the MLB?

Among Americans, the percentage of weight from fat has been steadily increasing. How do you know if you're in the healthy range? As Covert Bailey pointed out years ago in his book, Fit or Fat, you can't tell by looking. The gold standard for testing is hydrostatic body composition testing. Ki Chiropractic and Massage is happy to sponsor Jason Whitney of Body Fat Test and his mobile body fat testing clinic.

In less than 10 minutes you can find out what where you stand, and then get motivated to improve your fitness!

When is the big event? Saturday, August 28, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. You must reserve your spot in advance so call 206-658-7658 today!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How Much Do You Need?

How much Vit D and Omega 3's do you need? A good guideline is that for every 40 pounds of body weight humans require:
  • 450 mg of EPA
  • 300 mg of DHA
  • 1,000 IU of Vit D
For a more in-depth discussion, go to Innate Choice.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ki Chiropractic & Massage

New name, new programs, same excellent and caring service.

The past several weeks have been a whirlwind of reworking our care plans for insurance- and no insurance-based relief and restoration care, as well as for wellness care. All are designed to make sure that the care you need is available at an affordable price.

Some of the wellness plans ("Chiro Club") now include laser therapy, at no additional fee, and all the plans include more services for less. Give us a call to learn more.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Exciting New Research

Everybody knows that life in the 21st century is full of stresses. Bills, traffic, and deadlines are just the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, we are not genetically programmed to deal with chronic stress, and eventually it leads to a break down of every tissue of our bodies, except for one (belly fat).

Neurons lose their connections, bones lose their density, muscles lose mass, and ligaments and tendons become weak. I see this in my practice as people who keep getting injured. They try to get started on a fitness program, but before long they are side-lined with a new, or recurring, injury.

Without getting too technical, the chemical mediators of this problem are an increase in the stress hormone cortisol and a decrease in testosterone. This reversal of normal, healthy levels starts around age 30. (This is true for both men and women, but since women make only about 10% as much testosterone as men, the loss is even more significant.) This imbalance is called Metabolic Syndrome, and is associated with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, anxiety, etc.

The good news is that a recent placebo-controlled, double-blind study of XanGo Juice and Eleviv showed the restoration of metabolic balance to more youthful levels of cortisol and testosterone, with an associated elevation in mood and vigor.

You can test your personal vigor at To find out how you can raise your Vigor score by restoring your metabolic balance, read more at the web site or contact me directly for a free phone consultation.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Online Scheduling Is Up and Running

It's easy to use, and takes just a few minutes to register. What is it? It's my new online booking site: Once you register, you will be able to book appointments, reschedule, and cancel from the convenience of your computer or smart phone. 

Just one tip for people already receiving care: you will select times by choosing from Network TableOne, Network TableTwo, or Network TableThree (this will make sense once you get to that point in the process). 

Contact me if you have any questions!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One Story

At our recent open house, visitors received a complimentary sampling of Network Chiropractic, shiatsu, and cold laser therapy. One of our guests had this to say about the results of her care that day:

I just wanted to let you know, I returned home after the treatment/massage and was able to completely touch my hands behind my back reaching one arm over, one arm under on both sides  (I had not been able to do that with left arm "under" since my injury 10 mos. ago) with fingers completely overlapping.  This was a greater reach/stretch than what I could even do before the injury.  I was not expecting that and was shocked.

Thanks again to all who attended!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Expanded Hours/Additional Locations

I am pleased to announce expanded hours, to better serve your needs.
  • Hours remain the same at our home practice, the AikiChiro Movement Lab (see sidebar).
  • I am now also treating patients on Wednesday afternoons at Fox Chiropractic, a full-insurance clinic in Wedgwood. We accept all major insurance plans, plus Medicare and Labor and Industries (workers compensation) claims.  This location is ideal for seniors, injured workers, and those with group insurance whose co-payments are less than $25; or those who are mostly interested in care oriented toward relief of symptoms, rather than longer-term corrective and wellness care.
  • I am expanding my services and hours at the Integrated Wellness Center on Bainbridge Island. In addition to the highly popular low level laser therapy, I am now also offering Network Care and complementary hands-on healing methods.

Thank You!

Many thanks to all who attended our Open House last Saturday, making it a rousing success! We're all still glowing from the opportunity to serve so many wonderful old and new friends.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Open House

It happens only twice a year--a special time to thank our practice members, and for prospective patients, an opportunity to meet us and sample our wares.

Please join us for complimentary Network, Laser, and Shiatsu sessions, refreshments, and gift bags on:
Saturday, January 9
10:00 a.m. -- 12:00 p.m.
3511 NE 105th Street
(Park straight head-in on the paved area in front or on 35th Ave NE; enter via the side door on the ground floor level)