Monday, February 9, 2009

Why Weekly Care For Optimal Health

Most of my practice members come for wellness care on a weekly basis, and have done so for years. Why? For most of them, it probably has to do with staying in peak performance for the demands of life in the 21st century. Here's the basic science behind why that makes sense:
1) 50% of your spinal cord is dedicated to proprioception (information about movement and position);
2) 50% of that comes from your spine and your ankles;
3) Proprioception hits your brain at the cerebellum, which is the coordination center for movement, balance, memory, learning, emotions, reducing stress, and your internal organs--in other words every function in your body is enhanced by spinal movement.

On the other hand, a lack of spinal movement (fixation) causes nociception (information about noxious stimuli). Nociception means:
1) A decrease in proprioception (all the good stuff);
2) An increase in the stimulation of the stress centers of your brain.

Moreover, research shows that the soft tissue degeneration associated with restricted joint motion starts to become permanent in less than two weeks. Hence, weekly care! 

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