Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One Story

At our recent open house, visitors received a complimentary sampling of Network Chiropractic, shiatsu, and cold laser therapy. One of our guests had this to say about the results of her care that day:

I just wanted to let you know, I returned home after the treatment/massage and was able to completely touch my hands behind my back reaching one arm over, one arm under on both sides  (I had not been able to do that with left arm "under" since my injury 10 mos. ago) with fingers completely overlapping.  This was a greater reach/stretch than what I could even do before the injury.  I was not expecting that and was shocked.

Thanks again to all who attended!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Expanded Hours/Additional Locations

I am pleased to announce expanded hours, to better serve your needs.
  • Hours remain the same at our home practice, the AikiChiro Movement Lab (see sidebar).
  • I am now also treating patients on Wednesday afternoons at Fox Chiropractic, a full-insurance clinic in Wedgwood. We accept all major insurance plans, plus Medicare and Labor and Industries (workers compensation) claims.  This location is ideal for seniors, injured workers, and those with group insurance whose co-payments are less than $25; or those who are mostly interested in care oriented toward relief of symptoms, rather than longer-term corrective and wellness care.
  • I am expanding my services and hours at the Integrated Wellness Center on Bainbridge Island. In addition to the highly popular low level laser therapy, I am now also offering Network Care and complementary hands-on healing methods.

Thank You!

Many thanks to all who attended our Open House last Saturday, making it a rousing success! We're all still glowing from the opportunity to serve so many wonderful old and new friends.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Open House

It happens only twice a year--a special time to thank our practice members, and for prospective patients, an opportunity to meet us and sample our wares.

Please join us for complimentary Network, Laser, and Shiatsu sessions, refreshments, and gift bags on:
Saturday, January 9
10:00 a.m. -- 12:00 p.m.
3511 NE 105th Street
(Park straight head-in on the paved area in front or on 35th Ave NE; enter via the side door on the ground floor level)